
dev challenge


About NIX

NIX is an international team of more than 3,000 IT professionals. The team dates back to 1994, and today, it is one of Ukraine's largest IT outsourcing flagships. NIX specialists specialize in full-cycle software development, support of existing software, administration, and consulting. The team is also dynamically developing a portfolio of its own products. 


Whatever Your Mind Can Imagine, We Can Deliver is NIX's motto. We are frankly saying that nothing is impossible for our team! We cover a wide range of development platforms: PHP, .NET, Java, C++, JavaScript/UI, CMS, and iPhone/Android. Highly qualified QA engineers control the quality of our products and services. The size of the team allows us to develop diverse projects as well as team competencies. After all, we constantly keep our finger on the pulse of technological trends! Certificates from such partner companies as Amazon, Microsoft, Google, and Salesforce evidence the high expertise of NIX. Our work's variety of platforms and methods allows NIX to implement atypical and effective solutions for clients, offer innovative and comprehensive approaches to solving problems, and compete confidently in the market.


Our choice is to be an international team with family values. We remain a community of like-minded people passionate about IT wherever we are. We share professional and personal achievements, study and relax together. At the same time, we are happy to pass on our experience to the next generations of IT professionals. Educational projects and global cooperation with Ukrainian and European universities are a constant vector of our activities. We are honored to help professionals on their way from Trainer to Senior or Architect and make their professional dreams come true!

In addition to project and educational activities, since 2014, NIX has volunteered for the Armed Forces of Ukraine and provided humanitarian assistance upon request. Today, we continue to help the military and bring the Ukrainian Victory closer. Slava Ukraini!


Face the

hack it
